Friday, April 8, 2011


If you have never been to Olde Towne Spring, need to take a run over there...we did today...started out early...the day was a bit warm, but it saved the day. We went to as many places as my poor old knee's would take me.

Some of the shoppes have the usual fair...but still lovely things...

Really loved this bird print on canvas...but did not have a spot of it.

The rose covered pillow and purple hat were in

"SHABBY ROSE " my favorite shoppe in towne.

More images that I took today....

These unique looking Begonias growning inside her

"SHABBY ROSE" shoppe..also she has a large collection of VINTAGE FABRIC...vintage hats....along with other sweet, wonderful and "needful" things..

I bought the most darling little Spring/Easter basket ...I will have to post the photo of it maybe tomorrow..

Be sure and stop in.



Susan said...

Gorgeous Rose as usual

Unknown said...

You took some seriously pretty pictures Rose! Thanks for sharing them!