Tuesday, April 12, 2011

AM I CRAZY...or is....

Each time I post...this funny~little screwdriver & wrench icon

(BELOW) shows up..and I have to go into my Blogger Edit Layout and click on SAVE... to get RID of it.
Please read below too.
Any help you might suggest would be appreciated.
Earlier today I noitced that my entire list of followers and their icons are mising from my blog. What does one do about this please ? Is anyone else having this problem...?? I understand some people have lost their WHOLE BLOG !

If anyone has the capibility of screen shots...I would LOVE to have a copy of my followers icons, if you see them when you post on my blog.

That might help in getting my FOLLOWERS list back.



Angie said...

Hi Rose. I don't think you need to worry. It happened to me also, but not for long. Your new post popped up on my blogger list, so I'm still "following."


Rose ~Victorian Rose ~ said...

Thank you Angie for letting me know. THAT is reassuring.
I would sure like to see my list come back agian too...hate to think I would have to start ALL over again, after earning 215 followers on my blog.
I had recently paid for some "extra space" on my blog too.

Hugs, Rose

jordiegirl said...


I know that Gingeyginge is having a lot of problems with her blog too, including all the people she is following disappearing. She's getting quite frustrated.

Unknown said...

No worries Rose, your posts are still listed ;-)

Rose ~Victorian Rose ~ said...

Thank you so much dear ladies...but I SURE WANT MY LIST BACK.
So sad about it. ( All 215 of them so far)
How does one control the list if you don't know "who" is following your blog.
I have had some "strange" characters show up that I was able to block.
I don't even have a text LIST any longer on my dashboard.

Susan said...

I see your followers Rose!!

Rose ~Victorian Rose ~ said...

Susan, so far, you are the ONLY one that has told me that...I still can't see them.
I am NOT A HAPPY person here, about this.
I wonder if some sort of "hacking" has taken place...does anyone know ?
I know you are all seeing my posts..and that's great for sure...but I don't know who my followers are now...never thought for one minute they would disappear, or I would have kept a running copy of them all.


Pearl said...

Hi Rose the wrench icon is there so it takes you directly to the area you can change by a click of the wrench. For example if you want to add or delete a person on your blog list it takes you right there. I to found this out the hard way. Hope this helps.

alveen said...

Hi Rose... I snipped captures of your followers icons but can not find any means of contacting you by email on your blog. If you still need them please let me know, I have an email link on my blog.