The instant I saw this image...it brought back the VERY most precious memories of my childhood...spending the summers at my Grandparents cottage in Wisconsin.
Later it became our own family's cottage..and the wonderful times continued.
We "summer kids" would meet up with the local kids that lived up there all year around ....and would walk up and down these familiar roads ...singing and laughing...but mostly, we swam in the lake until our lips turned blue..and then would come back for a warm meal...and a short rest..and off we would go again...down to the lake and play all day long.
We sure dreaded going home in the Fall...back to school... and life in the city.
where in Wisconsin???
Good memories,,they are the best. Great photo!
Portage, Wisconsin..on Swan Lake..about 8 miles out from Town.
Oh, Wisconsin is so beautiful, and it does remind me of my youthful summers in Wisconsin, too. Beautiful photo!
Pam, How fortunate we both were then.
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