Friday, August 6, 2010


This photograph shows a California Street in San Francisco after the earthquake. The Great Merchant's Exchange is on the left,and the Fairmount Hotel is in the distance.
ONE WITNESS SAID.... "A sound which might be compared to the mixed sounds of a strong wind rushing through a forest and the breaking of waves against a cliff. In less time than it takes to tell, a concussion, similar to that caused by the nearby explosion of a huge blast, shook the building to its foundations and it began a series of the most lively motions imaginable. Accompanied by a creaking, grinding, rasping sound, it was followed by tremendous crashes as the cornices of adjoining buildings and chimneys tottered to the ground" .


The Rustic Victorian said...

I am kind of glad I no longer live on the fault line, the "big one" is yet to come. I have been in quite a few small quakes, now I get to be in tornadoland... the planet is fragile. I saw a special on this quake, PBS I think, quite amazing.

phonelady said...

oh my look at the hairdos and the dresses so glad we dont dress like that anymore . LOL .

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Love seeing the styles of the day but I can't imagine wearing those clothes in the heat of this summer, can you??
