Friday, January 8, 2010


Please be sure to enlarge to
enjoy at it's best.

Sit and feel the warmth of the overcast sun on your shoulders and smell the spring fragrances....enjoy the soothing
soft colors.



Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hello Rose,

Oh, yes I need to feel the sun on my shoulders right now and see a flower blooming....instead I'm looking out at 2+ inches of snow...although it pretty this past week has been VERY COlD...brrrrr

Thanks for coming over for a visit and looking at my Opera Collage. I am having such fun with this. :0)

Ok, here is a link to one very large Flickr group/album that you can join if you want to..I don't think you even have to join the group to see see and download the images..there are over 27,000 free images...and over 7000 members. It's a pool of images from collections of these members and they wish to share them..if there are any special permissions for usage it's usually to provide a link to them if you their image in a creation...they will usually tell you below the image. There are some fabulous images..

Have fun looking! This will surely get you going.

Have a WARM day. :0)

June said...

Rose this image is just gorgeous. Thank you for the sunshine.

Rose ~Victorian Rose ~ said...

June you are amazing all the posts you receive...and you are still able to visit most days.

Thank you, Rose

Rose ~Victorian Rose ~ said...

Steph...I have been playing on the site you gave me here..I still have not caught on to how that whole system works ...
I keep getting LOST in the different places I visit. And when I want to go to the next one, I am not sure how to do that.
There must be a "plan of attack" on methodically getting around in those individual Flickr sites that each person posts on.
