Friday, November 27, 2009


This was a window frame that had
been re-purposed into a shelf...notice
the shabby music sheets on the
back of the shelf.



Lisa said...

Yes! I love the cute shelf too, sheet music makes the best wallpaper!
Thanks for checking out my blog and leaving such a sweet comment. I followed you back too.

Rita said...

Hi Rose,
lovely re-purposing of the old window frame into shelves. Thanks for sharing. Got to steal your idea, if you let me. It's just the perfect place to display vintagey treaasures.
Too bad I woulnd't be able to find such a pretty window frame. Great music sheets decor - makes your shelves look so unique!
Have a great day!

Six divided by two..... said...

CUTTTTTEEEEEEEE!!!!! I love it , love it love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rose ~Victorian Rose ~ said...

~Rita...hey thank you so much for joining... you are follower Number 50...congratulations !!!
I appreciate you stopping by and doing that..and commenting too.~~
Lisa and Six....I need to explain this a bit better....that is not my shelf..( wish it was)....just saw it at the Antique Show.
Yes, the music paper is darling like that isn't it ? ~~
Snag the idea all you wish.
